Join our SDG Community of Practice

Our SDG Community of Practice connects staff from CICan member institutions dedicated to advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through education and community engagement.

What is the SDG Community of Practice?

The SDG Community of Practice (CoP) is a network for CICan member institutions that have signed the SDG Accord. Its mission is to celebrate and enhance the critical role of education in achieving the SDGs, and to foster collaboration among institutions to deliver and report on their progress.

Benefits for You: Why Join the SDG CoP?

By joining the SDG CoP, you can:

  • Exchange Knowledge: Share and learn successful strategies related to the SDGs.
  • Collaborate: Work with peers from other institutions to leverage collective expertise and resources.
  • Receive Support: Bring your challenges to the group and receive curated solutions.
  • Access Resources: Help create and disseminate tools, guidelines, and resources tailored to your institution’s needs.
  • Network: Connect with peers across Canada to gain insights and support.
  • Shape Strategies: Play a role in shaping national strategies on sustainable development within the post-secondary sector.

The goal is to inspire and assist CICan members in enhancing their sustainability efforts, aligning with commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals and achieving Net-Zero by 2050.

Membership and Meetings

  • Open to all CICan members that have signed the SDG Accord or are planning to do so.
  • Monthly meetings: Mondays, 1 pm – 2:30 pm Eastern on Microsoft Teams (breaks in July and December).

Upcoming Meetings


Aug 26: Localizing the SDGs on your Campus
Sep 23: Reconciliation and the SDGs
Oct 28: SDG Reporting and What to Communicate
Nov 25: SDG Week 2025 Planning


Jan 27: How to Fund SDG Work
Feb 24: Integrating SDGs into Curriculum
Mar 24: SDG Successes from SDG Week and Beyond
Apr 28: Aligning SDG Work with STARS Reporting
May 26: Finding SDG Champions on Campus

Ready to Join?

Get involved in shaping the future of sustainability in post-secondary education. Email us to join the SDG Community of Practice and contribute to impactful change.

Join Now!

For more information, please refer to the Terms of Reference.