Campus Living Labs: Innovative Collaborations for Net Zero

Get inspired by learning about the projects we’ve funded through our Campus Living Labs initiative, aimed at transforming college and institute campuses into vibrant hubs of sustainability and innovation.

Discover insights into:

  • What Campus Living Labs are and how they can raise awareness of climate action while impacting both campus environments and their broader communities.
  • Ten diverse projects that address critical issues such as reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) in campus food, waste management, land use, building operations, transportation, and through Indigenous approaches.
  • The impact of these projects, the lessons learned, and the crucial roles that collaboration, creativity, flexibility, and community engagement play in sustainability efforts.

Key Insights from the Report

Cultivating Institutional Change

Encouraging experimentation and dialogue about new approaches can lead to significant shifts in institutional cultures toward sustainability. Reimagining campus life through such projects helps the entire campus community envision and engage with alternative, more sustainable ways of operating.

Indigenous Engagement

Effective climate solutions require inclusive strategies that respect and integrate Indigenous knowledge and approaches. Projects that engage Indigenous communities and incorporate diverse perspectives are more effective in creating sustainable environmental stewardship.

Alignment with Community and Environmental Goals

The success of projects is enhanced when they are closely aligned with both the specific needs of the campus community and broader environmental objectives. This alignment ensures that the projects are relevant, practical, and capable of making a meaningful contribution to climate action.

Quantifiable Impact and Engagement

The report indicates substantial engagement and educational benefits among project participants, with significant increases in knowledge about GHGs and climate action. Furthermore, the first cohort of projects collectively achieved a reduction of at least 11,000 CO2E KG in campus greenhouse gases, illustrating the tangible impact of these initiatives.

Real-World Example

Vanier College

Vanier College’s Campus Living Labs demonstration project transformed its campus lawns into vibrant meadows and forests, significantly reducing greenhouse gases and enhancing biodiversity. This included creating expansive no-mow zones, planting a diverse mix of trees, flowers, and other pollinator-friendly plants, and expanding food gardens.

Beyond traditional outreach methods like social media and newsletters, the college employed innovative strategies to raise awareness and foster ongoing participation. These strategies included using the new greenspaces as dynamic outdoor classrooms, placing new permanent signage surrounding the no-mow zones and gardens, and hosting a “tea cart” at various campus events, which provided interactive learning experiences by offering free herbal tea made from plants grown on campus.

Did you know? Approximately 43% of Canadians lack basic knowledge about climate change, underlining the importance of educational initiatives like the Campus Living Labs to foster informed communities equipped to tackle environmental challenges.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

Explore the full report to access detailed case studies, gain insights into effective project management, and discover how to harness the collective power of your community for environmental stewardship.

Read the Full Report