Faculty Training: Greening the Construction Trades

Our training modules, developed and peer-reviewed by trades faculty, are designed to provide instructors with the necessary tools and knowledge to integrate climate change awareness and Indigenous perspectives into trades education. The open-sourced content can be seamlessly integrated into your courses, equipping your students with in-demand skills and ultimately shaping a new generation of construction professionals committed to a sustainable future.

If your specific trade is not currently available, the introductory materials on climate change and Indigenizing and Decolonizing offer valuable insights that are applicable for any instructor, regardless of their trade discipline.

Key Outcomes

Enhanced Curriculum

Equip your students with green skills through cutting-edge sustainable construction practices.

Cultural Inclusivity

Integrate Indigenous perspectives into your teaching, promoting a holistic approach to your trade.

Professional Development

Stay ahead of industry trends and standards, ensuring your teaching remains relevant and impactful.

How to Use

1. Read the Foundational Texts

Start with the basics of climate science, Indigenizing and Decolonizing, and greening construction trades to build your foundational knowledge.

2. Select a Module

Choose from Carpentry, Electrical, Landscaping, or HVAC.

3. Engage with Content

Explore the interactive materials, case studies, and practical exercises, referring back to the introductory texts as needed.

4. Implement Learnings

Integrate the open educational resources into your courses, using all or any parts of the content.

Available Modules

Each module is designed to be completed in approximately 5-8 hours (8-12 when you include the introductions and foundational knowledge), providing a thorough yet concise learning experience.

Carpentry image


Learn to incorporate sustainable materials and techniques into carpentry, ensuring eco-friendly construction practices.

Electrical image


Discover how to implement energy-efficient systems and integrate renewable energy solutions in electrical work.

Landscaping image


Explore sustainable landscaping practices that reduce GHGs and enhance biodiversity.

HVACR image


Master sustainable HVACR technologies and practices to improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality.

Ready to Upskill?

Empower your students and enhance your teaching with our comprehensive training modules. Choose your module and start today!

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